Oberon examples Page
Examples of code written for oo2c running under Linux
Oberon has been used (console based) on a 386 laptop with 4 meg of ram
and a 40 meg harddrive.
examples of Oberon 2 code
testx02.Mod. Hello World
hweb - literate version (* Hello World *)
testx03.Mod (* IsLetter demo *)
testx04.Mod (* Strings.Length demo *)
testx05.Mod (* Strings.Capitalize(stringVar); *)
testx06.Mod (* IntStr.StrToInt() demo *)
testx07.Mod (* test of file opening *)
testx08.Mod (* open file and read length *)
testx09.Mod (* read from stdin *)
testx10.Mod (* read arguments from command line *)
testx11.Mod (* read and print input from command line *)
testx12.Mod (* Open and read file in binary mode *)
download all examples as a deb compressed file
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