Small Linux Download Page
This page offers different Small Linux disk images to download.
Linux root and boot tar and gzip, version 0.7.2. Kernel version 2.0.0 by ftp
Linux boot image, version 0.7.2. Kernel version 2.0.0 by ftp
Linux root image, version 0.7.2. Kernel version 2.0.0 by ftp
Linux root and boot tar and gzip, version 0.7.1. Kernel version 2.0.0 by ftp
Linux boot image, version 0.7.1. Kernel version 2.0.0 by ftp
Linux root image, version 0.7.1. Kernel version 2.0.0 by ftp
Linux support disk image, version 0.7.1. Kernel version 2.0.0 by ftp
Linux root and boot tar and gzip, version 0.7.1. Kernel version 2.0.0 by http
Linux boot image, version 0.7.1. Kernel version 2.0.0 by http
Linux root image, version 0.7.1. Kernel version 2.0.0 by http
Linux support disk image, version 0.7.1. Kernel version 2.0.0 by http
Linux root and boot tar and gzip, version 0.7.0. Kernel version 2.0.0
Small Linux root and boot tar and gzip, version 0.5.0. Kernel version 1.2.11
Files on Small Linux root disk, version 0.5.0.
Files on Small Linux laptop harddisk, version 0.5.0.
Small Linux version 0.4.0 root disk image. Kernel version 1.2.11
Small Linux version 0.4.0 boot disk image. Kernel version 1.2.11
support disk image for Small Linux version 0.4.0. provides additional Linux utilities. Can be used with Small Linux versions 0.4.0 --> 0.7.0
Small Linux root and boot tar and gzip, version 0.3.0. Kernel version 1.2.11
Download page for old versions of Small Linux. Kernel version 1.0.9
Linux - FAQ.
Small Linux install notes from Chris
Small Linux kernel source verion 1.2.11 used in Small Linux 0.4.0
Old Small Linux release notice
additional files needed to compile old kernels
Additional Small Linux images - file list
Small Linuxftp mirror site
tinyX ftp mirror site
Buy a CD-ROM with Small Linux and other small or embedded systems.
Submit bug
reports and find fixes
Small Linux ftp site
Additional Download options - using kernel
1.2.11 or 2.0.0 ELF format.
Text and Open Content links;
X - libc 5 format - X Windows in less only 4 megs of ram;
Tiny X - Additional files and
information - X Windows in only 4 megs of ram;
X - libc 5 format - X Windows in less only 4 megs of ram -
Small Linux guide.
How to set up plip with Small Linux
Old Small Linux release notice
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