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Linux - Small Kernel Project

This page seeks to be a resource for users who need a Linux Kernel that meets small memory requirements. 

My experience has been using Linux (console based) on a 386 laptop with 2 meg of ram and a 40 meg harddrive.    

Some Links to Small Resource Linux and Linux-like Systems - April 1998

Small Linux - Download Boot Diskettes for Linux in less than 2 MEG - using kernel 1.2.11 ELF format.  

Distributions that require less than 4 meg of ram   

Distribution that requires 8 megs   

MuLinux - an incredible distribution that works with most networks and only requires one floppy disk! ; 

Tiny X - libc 5 format - X Windows in less only 4 megs of ram;  

Tiny X - Additional files and information - X Windows in less only 4 megs of ram;  

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